DJ/Party Service

Freelance Soundlabs is excited to offer you a professional DJ & Entertainment service for your next event. Our main aim is to provide one of the best services in South Australia for the best price and we don't just play music, we help you design the entertainment aspect for your event. Make it a night to remember!

Location Sound Recording

Are you a game designer, film student, video maker or just in need of capturing sounds "on location"? We can offer on-location sound recording to capture voice, sound effects and ambience for any requirement. 

Ableton Push Browser: Sylenth1

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Welcome to the Sylenth1 Patch Browser Bridge for the Ableton Push/Push 2 and Ableton Live 9.

This preset pack allows you to browse the presets within Sylenth1 directly from your Push 1/2 controller or the Live library. Each preset is mapped with most of the common controls you will need as logically as possible. Additionally, each preset rack contains a pre-loaded EQ8 with macro controls and Glue compressor (in an off state) ready for tuning your sound. 

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Welcome to the Air Music Tech Hybrid3 NKS browser for Komplete Kontrol/Maschine

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Welcome to the Sylenth1 NKS Library for the Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol \ Maschine software

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Komplete Kontrol / Maschine NKS Library for Spectrasonics Trilian, now supporting VST3!

DAW Tips: Backup Your Data!

So you are interested in maybe getting started with making some music, editing some video or just experimenting a little. While there are loads of beginner guides that help you choose a DAW, explain the basics of audio workstations, routing and plugins there are few that actually bother to take a step back and start on what I consider a much more important starting point... Backing up your data. 



Omnisphere Preset Browser for Komplete Kontrol

For users of the Komplete Kontrol keyboard and software it is now possible to browse all the Omnisphere presets within Komplete Kontrol. This is very exciting because it now integrates Omnisphere with Komplete Kontrol offering complete preset loading, tweaking and flipping directly from the keyboard. 


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Komplete Kontrol / Maschine NKS Library for Spectrasonics Omnisphere, now supporting VST3!

Login Issues & Fixes!

This is more of a "note to self" should I have this issue again.

When I first designeed the site I tested the user registration system and it worked just fine but this was before I added the K2 content manager and also before the latest version of reCaptcha. Up until now I really have had no need for user logins but now I have some special donor features available for downloading files upon donations I needed to implement a user management system for downloads and this is where I discovered the user registration system was busted. 

The issue was that I updated to the new "1 click - i'm not a robot" Captcha protection which is evident on contact forms and throughout the site but when I visited the registration page the old captcha element was displayed and I had no idea why this was. The issue was that when I entered in the result it would always fail with either "empty result" or "wrong text" 

After hours or testing and googling I finally tracked down the issue to be the fact K2 was enabled to allow user registrations and within K2 there is a separate captcha setup. All that was needed was to simply disable the use of the K2 captcha which then allowed the global captcha to be used. 

The joys of managing a friggin website!

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